21CCLC Blog

4 Federal Grants for After-School Programs

Written by Phillip Smith | Jul 20, 2020 5:00:02 PM

This blog was published in 2020 and updated on May 24th, 2023.

High-quality after-school programs serve an important purpose in our communities. Research shows they improve everything from educational outcomes and school attendance to social and emotional learning. 

Despite clear benefits, such as better academic performance and a decreased risk of negative behavior, after-school programs struggle to meet demand: for every child in a program, two remain on a waiting list. One of the reasons that programs struggle to meet demand is that scaling services to meet greater numbers of attendees requires significant capital, which is hard to find. However, a variety of grants exist to support after-school programs. A few of the most common grant types include:

  • Foundation grants
  • State grants
  • City grants
  • Federal grants

This blog provides an overview of federal funding, including the most beneficial grants for after-school programs.

Types of Federal Funding

According to the Afterschool Alliance, more than 100 sources of federal funding exist for after-school programs. Each of these funding sources falls into three main categories:

Entitlement Funding

Entitlement funding serves every individual who meets eligibility requirements. Federal or state agencies administer the grants offered by entitlement programs. The National School Lunch Program, which provides nutritional low-cost, or free meals and snacks to after-school programs, is a well-known example of entitlement funding.

Competitive Funding

Competitive funding offers support for targeted after-school programs. The government awards these funds on a competitive basis based on the program in question. With the competitive method of funding, programs must submit an application for grants. Based on the program’s application and the number of applicants, grant distributors allocate funding to the selected recipients (there is not always a predetermined award amount for competitive grants). An example of competitive funding is AmeriCorps VISTA, which offers a grant that provides funding to run after-school programs.

Block and Formula Funding

Block and formula funding provide grants at an amount that is determined by a formula based on a community’s population, poverty rates, and demographics. Similar to competitive funding, meeting eligibility criteria for a block or formula grant doesn’t guarantee funds. 21st Century Community Learning Center grants (21CCLC) are the most prominent of this type of grant available to after-school programs.

Prominent Federal Grants for After-School Programs

Nita M. Lowery 21st Century Community Learning Centers

The 21CCLC Program is the only federal funding source dedicated exclusively to supporting after-school programs. The Nita M. Lowery 21CCLC Program primarily supports students in programs that advance academic achievement. 

Every year, Congress establishes the amount of funding available for this 21CCLC program. This total is divided between all states based on the state’s current share of Title I funding for students with low income. State departments of education award and manage these three-to-five-year competitive grants. Public and private schools, as well as community-based programs, may apply for 21CCLC grants.

Allocation of 21CCLC funds are based on the competitive grant applications and priority is given to community-based organizations that provide out-of-school-time (after-school and summer) learning programs to students attending schools with high levels of poverty and public and private schools that do not perform well on standardized testing.

While 21CCLC funds are awarded for 3-5 years terms, having the grant renewed after the initial term is not a guarantee. Creating a sustainable funding plan is the best way to make sure that a program is able to serve the community for years to come. The most successful programs have no more than 30 percent of funding coming from a single source after their first year. 

Child Care and Development Fund

The Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF), formerly known as the Child Care and Development Block Grant, provides funding to help low-income families with childcare for children up to age 12. As with 21CCLC, schools and public, private, and community programs meet eligibility standards to apply for CCDF grants. 

Temporary Assistance to Needy Families

Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) provides funding to support families in need with children. The TANF program aims to reduce the number of out-of-wedlock pregnancies and promote two-parent households. TANF funds can be used for a variety of services, including income assistance, education and job training, transportation, and child care. Up to 30 percent of TANF funds can be transferred to CCDF, ultimately increasing the state’s ability to fund after-school programs 

Title 1 (of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965)

Title 1 funds provide support services for students who are disadvantaged in standard school systems and can apply toward a variety of initiatives, including after-school programs. Both school districts and other local agencies can apply for Title 1 funding, administered by the state. A combination of Title 1 and 21CCLC funding can help to stretch the dollars and provide additional services to support multiple after-school programs and initiatives.

4 Steps for Securing the Right After-School Program Grants

Grants are essential for after-school and out-of-school-time program sustainability. In order to keep the lights on long term, after-school program directors must secure a variety of funding sources to support their initiatives. The most successful after-school programs have no more than 30 percent of funding coming from a single source after their first year. By diversifying funding sources and securing the right grants, after-school programs can create a path to sustainability to help make sure they can serve their communities for many years to come. The process of securing after-school program grants involves four steps. 

👉 Learn how AfterSchool21 can improve out-of-school-time (OST) extracurricular data administration and reporting by scheduling a demo with our team

1. Research the Different Types of After-School Program Grants Available

After-school program grants are available at the federal, state, and local levels, with funding from both public and private sources. A few different types of funding exist, including:

  • Entitlement funding, which is administered by federal and state agencies and serves every individual who meets eligibility requirements.
  • Competitive funding, which offers support for targeted after-school programs and is awarded by the government on a competitive basis.
  • Block and formula funding, which is awarded on a competitive basis based on a community’s population, demographics, and poverty rates.

When looking for funding sources for an after-school program, research the different types of grants available to determine the best fit based on program specifics and eligibility requirements.

2. Locate Applicable Funding Sources for After-School Program Grants

After researching the different after-school program grants available, utilize online resources to find applicable funding sources. Some of the best online resources for finding grants include the Department of Education, the Afterschool Alliance, and the National AfterSchool Association. Additionally, a number of nonprofit foundations provide funding for after-school programs and include pertinent information on their websites.

After locating funding sources, learn all the relevant details about each grant’s amount and lifespan. After-school program grants are temporary, with most available for approximately 3-5 years. Look into reapplication options as well, because some grantmakers allow programs to reapply, and others do not. Then, review the request for proposal (RFP) released by the grant-maker to learn submission requirements and budget specifications.

3. Compile Performance Data and Submit Grant Applications

As a next step in securing after-school program grants, compile any necessary performance data to submit with the application. A data management solution for after-school programs like AfterSchool21 (AS21) simplifies this process by centralizing data for instantaneous access. 

After-school data management solutions help program directors reduce manual work, avoid calculation errors, minimize the use of spreadsheets for tracking, and verify consistent performance data over time. Plus, data management solutions serve as a helpful resource when the time comes to reapply for grants. Once all the relevant performance data is compiled, program directors can use data to more easily and accurately submit grant applications. Be sure to stay mindful of the timeline for submission and any deadlines to avoid missed opportunities.

4. Develop a Long-Term Grants Management Plan

Securing after-school program grants should only be one part of a comprehensive grants management plan. After securing initial funding, program directors must take a proactive approach by anticipating grant life expectancies and preparing for the inevitable loss of funding. Avoid waiting for after-school program grants to run out before searching for new funding sources.

Diversifying funding sources is imperative for creating a path to long-term sustainability. Think beyond grants and look to phasing in fees for parents and families or seek out local businesses that may wish to support an after-school program. Building strong partnerships with local businesses is an excellent way to expand funding sources. To appeal to potential community partners, make it a point to promote the after-school program and highlight how funds are used. Use various web and social media channels to promote program efforts. Increased program visibility can also be helpful for securing additional funding in the future.

Improving After-School Data Tracking with the Right Technology

Using a data management solution such as AS21 can ease the burden of manual data tracking and improve grant application workflows. Data management solutions can also provide enormous benefits when annual funding compliance reports are due such as the 21APR or Annual Performance Reports.

When choosing a data management solution, keep an eye out for the following features:

  • A cloud-based, mobile-friendly data management solution
  • A direct link to 21APR for data verification and submission
  • The ability to store year-over-year data (e.g., attendance year-over-year)
  • The capacity to accommodate after-school programs of any size or scope
  • The ability to support remote program participation and evidence submission

Looking for a data management solution to aid in securing after-school program grants? Schedule a demo to learn more about AfterSchool21.

Looking Ahead to Drive Long-Term Program Sustainability

Many after-school programs rely on federal funding sources to stay afloat, but finding a federal grant is only the first step. 

Diversifying funding sources early allows after-school programs to create paths for long-term sustainability. Forward-thinking educational grants management plans help programs proactively manage their funding. As a best practice, no more than 30 percent of funding should come from a single source, so diversifying funding creates a path towards long-term sustainability. 

Looking for guidance on setting a program up for lasting success? Download our ebook for a step-by-step guide to securing and managing grants for after-school programs.