21CCLC Blog

Districts Can Use Custom Fields to Fine Tune Their Data

Written by Alyssa Thornley | Sep 9, 2022 10:25:33 PM

The AfterSchool21 (AS21) and Homeless Information Management System for Students (HIMSS) August software development release (effective Aug. 24) gives administrative users greater flexibility to quickly and easily add custom fields to their online enrollment forms. Program admin users can create numerous custom fields instead of being restricted to the fields their state requires.  

Admin users can now fine-tune their data by:

  • Configuring the form to set which fields they want to include
  • Select fields of various types (drop-down, multi-select, short text, long text, numeric or date fields)
  • Determine if the fields are enabled or required 
  • Create reports based on areas specific to their district 

School homeless liaisons using HIMSS can use custom indicators to determine what messages their service partners receive.

Identifying At-Risk Students

When a student within HIMSS is flagged for eligible support and starts attending school in a different district, staff are informed immediately with an email and a message in HIMSS.   

The additional flexibility now allows homeless liaisons to specify the type of notices their contacts should receive. Service partners can be individuals in other departments within the school district, such as school transportation, food services, or community service partners. 

Admin users setting up these contacts in the system can associate them with specific schools and be precise in assigning security levels, affecting the notification types service contacts receive in HIMSS.   

HIMSS keeps track of the services, the number of students experiencing homelessness or in foster care, and specific health and academic documents. Users can determine what the message says and control header/footer content in the message. 

About AS21

AS21 supports in-person, hybrid, and virtual OST programs with the ability to collect and submit evidence of participation. Schedule a demonstration to see why AS21 is the best choice for growing after-school programs.


HIMSS is a data management system created for homeless program administrators and designed to help meet annual McKinney-Vento reporting requirements. Find out how HIMSS can help your district by scheduling a demonstration.